Saints Monica and Augustine coloring page: August 27th and 28th
The feasts of St. Monica and St. Augustine are on separate days- August 27th and 28th respectively- but their lives and paths to sainthood are inseparable. Monica is credited with bringing not only her husband and mother-in-law to the Catholic faith, but also her son Augustine as well. She prayed fervently for the conversion of her pagan husband and difficult mother-in-law for years, patiently bearing their insults. Her husband finally converted a year before his death. But Monica’s patience and perseverance would soon be tested further. Though Augustine was raised in the Faith and was said to be incredibly intelligent, he chose to follow a dark life of sin and worldly pleasures. Monica prayed diligently for her son for 17 years, never losing hope that he might return to the one, true Faith. Augustine finally converted in the year 387, just before his mother died. He went on to become a priest, bishop, author, saint, and Doctor of the Church.
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