Catholic Playground began several years ago during a search for Catholic dot-to-dots and coloring pages. Because we couldn’t always find exactly what we were looking for, we started to create our own coloring pages. The next natural step was to make those pages available to others who might like them as well.
Today, Catholic Playground is a family apostolate that has expanded far beyond dot-to-dots and coloring pages. New ideas are created and tested regularly. Everyone contributes, from the oldest members of the family to the 2 youngest members, who love to test new CP ideas (especially the recipes!).
Meet our CP family!
(Because we have always wanted the focus of our work to be on our Catholic faith and not on us, we have chosen to post and contribute on the website under the names of saints to whom we have a particular devotion)
Therese likes to craft, bake, rainbow loom, and search Pinterest. She has designed some very creative projects including the shell grotto made from a milk carton, the Catholic rainbow loom bracelets and the Communion of Saints Cookies.
Ann handles all the technical aspects of CP. She built the website from scratch and dedicates much of her time to fixing glitches and code errors that stump the rest of us. Ann is also the artist behind many coloring pages and the designer of many of our most creative projects, including the Printable Valentines, Noah’s Ark Leaf Animals, all of our Catholic Nail Art, the Popemobile papercraft, the saints’ puzzle blocks, and many more projects.
Gemma is our official writer and editor and keeps our Facebook and Twitter pages up-to-date. She is a bit of an efficiency expert, maintaining liturgical calendars, to-do lists, and upcoming projects and writing book reviews. You will recognize Gemma’s posts because of their attention to detail and/or the frugality of their materials. She loves finding new uses for old things. Gemma is the mastermind behind many of our “recycled” crafts- most notably the Lego bucket, Saints and Objects Matching Game, and the newly added Felt Board Priest Vestment project.
Monica keeps the whole apostolate running smoothly. She is the heart of our home and is responsible for the success- and name!- of the Catholic Playground. Monica comes up with new ideas for CP almost daily and can often be found in the kitchen, having fun with a new feast day recipe. She created the First Communion Cookie & Fruit Centerpiece and most recently, the Miraculous Medal craft.
Maximilian is the creativity behind the Lego scenes. (We speculate that, at times, he sees life in Lego blocks J) He creates all his Lego projects without sets or directions of any kind. Of the many projects he’s created for CP, his favorite is the St. Valentine’s scene and the Nativity. He’s considering a few new ideas for the website (including a cathedral and a mosaic of, possibly, Saint Anthony, just to name a few!), so stay tuned!
Joseph is the head of our home and does much of the physical labor for CP. He also helps with the video and photography work. He created the DIY Crucifix Kit last year as a Lenten project. Joseph has a few more projects up his sleeve, which we hope to reveal soon! Among his favorite projects on CP are the John Paul II coloring book and the Irish Stew, which he enjoyed testing.
Bernadette and Michael are the two youngest members of our family. Many of our projects are created specifically for them and they are also our official testers for everything from activity pages and crafts to recipes. Of all the CP projects they have tested, Bernadette’s favorite is the St. Therese Puzzle Blocks, and Michael most enjoyed the Communion of Saints Cookies.
Sister Margaret Mary is our prayer support. Though now in a cloistered convent, she did a considerable amount of work compiling information on Catholic shrines around the country before she entered. We hope to include this on our website soon!
Thank you for supporting the work of Catholic Playground! Please share our website with others!