Saint Barbara lived in the 3rd century. In secret, she learned about the Catholic Faith and was baptized by a priest. When her father learned of her conversion, she was tortured and killed. She is one of the fourteen holy helpers and is a patron against fever and sudden death. Click the image below to print theRead more
Saint John was born in the 7th century (either in 675 or 676). He served his life as a monk and a priest, defending many of the Church’s beliefs, including the veneration of images. He is now a Doctor of the Church and is the patron saint of theology students, pharmacists, and icon painters. HisRead more
Saint Francis Xavier was born in a castle in Spain. Eventually, he was ordained a priest and spent his life traveling all over the world as a missionary. Throughout his life, he converted thousands to Christianity. His feast day is December 3rd and he is the patron saint of Catholic missions. Click the image below toRead more