Saint Valentine in Legos
Many, many years ago, in the early 3rd century, God called a simple Italian man to serve Him.
He called him to be a priest, a bishop, a defender of the persecuted, and a martyr.
Valentine lived during the reign of Emperor Claudius II, who was well known for hating Christianity. Though helping Christians was a crime, Valentine devoted his life to doing just that.
Part of the persecution enforced by the emperor included a decree that young people could not get married. Claudius believed his soldiers would fight better if they were unmarried. Despite the risks, Valentine encouraged young couples to get married in the Church and secretly married them himself.
When Valentine was caught marrying couples, he was arrested and tortured. It is said that Claudius initially liked his prisoner, but when Valentine attempted to convert the emperor, he was promptly sentenced to death.
Even in prison, Valentine remained faithful to his calling. Legend tells us Valentine healed the jailer’s daughter, who was blind. Before his death, he sent her a note that read, “From your Valentine.”