The Legend of Saint George in Legos
Long ago, a village in Libya faced a serious problem…
… a dragon.
To satisfy the dragon and to protect themselves, the people of the town fed two sheep to the monster every day.
But after a while, the sheep were not enough to satisfy the beast’s hunger- he wanted more.
So the people of the town drew lots to select a victim from among themselves. The chosen victim was a princess, the daughter of the king.
The king pleaded with the people to spare his daughter’s life, but they would not listen. Thus, the daughter was to be sacrificed to the dragon.
A soldier happened to be riding by at this time. Though the princess told him to save himself and ride on, the knight stayed until the dragon appeared.
Making the Sign of the Cross for protection, George attacked the beast.
George fought…
…and fought…
… and finally killed the dragon
…and saved the life of the princess.
The king was tremendously grateful to George and offered him great riches- even half his kingdom. George refused, however, and encouraged the king to rule justly, caring for the poor and supporting the churches.
Afterwards, the entire community converted to Christianity.
Saint George, pray for us.